Check out what’s been happening lately in our neck of the woods.
Can I Subdivide my Property?
This is a question that we are commonly asked.
There are a number of variables in providing an answer. Here, at Stratum Consultants, we have a number of Planning and Surveying experts that can assist with navigating you through these variables to provide you with an answer that works.
Nga Potiki Residential Development: Papamoa
Stratum Consultants Ltd is proud to assist the Nga Potiki a Tamapahore Trust (an entity of Nga Potiki hapu) to develop their land in Papamoa.
Rotorua Residential Development
The signs continue to be positive for residential development and subdivision within Rotorua.
Stratum's team of planners, geotech engineers, civil engineers and surveyors have been busy recently obtaining subdivision consent to develop our clients land.
Stratum Consultants Appointed as a Land Use Advisor to the BOP Regional Council
Stratum Consultants Ltd has recently been appointed as a Land Use Nutrient Advice and Support Services advisor to the Bay of Plenty Regional Council.
The Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC) has embarked on an initiative to reduce the nutrient levels in Lake Rotorua. This includes nitrogen and phosphorous.