Check out what’s been happening lately in our neck of the woods.

Rotorua Residential Development

The signs continue to be positive for residential development and subdivision within Rotorua.

Stratum's team of planners, geotech engineers, civil engineers and surveyors have been busy recently obtaining subdivision consent to develop our clients land.

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Stratum's Newest Shareholders

Colin, John, Andrew, Bart and Stephen are pleased to announce TJ Hayward and Shae Crossan as shareholders with Stratum Consultants Ltd. 

We are delighted to have TJ and Shae’s experience and knowledge in the engineering and planning fields respectively, and their step into company ownership now recognises them as a important members of the Stratum management team.

Well done TJ and Shae!

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Kiwifruit Industry Development

The kiwifruit industry is one of the largest employment and business sectors of the western Bay of Plenty and accounts for around 20% of the GDP in the region. 

It has recently been through a tough period with the arrival of PSA, however has now bounced back in a spectacular way.  This has resulted the industry as a whole now in a growth phase.

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On-site Effluent Treatment (OSET)

The On-Site Effluent Treatment Regional Plan (OSET Plan) is a Bay of Plenty Regional Council plan that has been operative since 2006. 

It directs the management of domestic wastewater to protect water quality in the Bay of Plenty through the introduction of rules.  On-site effluent treatment systems include septic tanks and associated soakage fields and advanced aerobic systems.

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Stratum's New Associates

Colin, Andrew, John, Bart and Stephen are pleased to announce two new Associates to Stratum Consultants Ltd. 

TJ and Shae are outstanding in their respective engineering and planning fields and their promotion reflects our determination to continue to provide great support to our clients and their projects.

Well done guys!

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