Check out what’s been happening lately in our neck of the woods.

What is a Building Location Certificate or Survey?

Here at Stratum Consultants Ltd we often get asked what a Building Location Certificate is. A Building Location Certificate (BLC) or survey is a certification document prepared by a Licensed Cadastral Surveyor which shows or confirms the position of a building or structure relative to the property boundaries.

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Drone Surveying Capabilities

Here at Stratum Consultants Ltd we are always looking for ways to use the latest in technological advances to improve the deliverables to our clients and contractors.

The latest surveying tool we are using is drone technology. The drone is an accurate and fast way to obtain data. In some cases, this can be faster and provide more detail than traditional survey methods.

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Rotorua Residential Development

The signs continue to be positive for residential development and subdivision within Rotorua.

Stratum's team of planners, geotech engineers, civil engineers and surveyors have been busy recently obtaining subdivision consent to develop our clients land.

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Kiwifruit Industry Development

The kiwifruit industry is one of the largest employment and business sectors of the western Bay of Plenty and accounts for around 20% of the GDP in the region. 

It has recently been through a tough period with the arrival of PSA, however has now bounced back in a spectacular way.  This has resulted the industry as a whole now in a growth phase.

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Surveying & Subdivisions Freyja Spaven Surveying & Subdivisions Freyja Spaven

How to Identify your Property Boundary

One of the more common queries our survey team are asked is where is my boundary, or where are my boundary pegs?  We call this a boundary redefinition survey.

This is very important especially if you need to build a fence or a wall, or position a new building in relation to your property boundaries.  If you build over your boundary, or locate a building within the Council required yard setbacks, then this can be an expensive mistake to rectify.

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