Stratum Consultants Update No.2 on Covid-19

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Stratum staff are all working from home and fully functional.

Obviously we can’t carry out site inspections, testing or field surveying, unless you are involved in an essential service industry. If you are involved in these industries, we have staff on standby who are able to carry out site based work for you. Please call should you need assistance.

With respect to office based work including design, plan preparation, reports, consent applications etc, we are fully operational. Please contact us via mobile or email as you normally do. If you’re unsure who to contact, please call our main land lines and Megan will be able to help you. Or feel free to call me on mobile at any time.

We are operating Microsoft Teams and can easily arrange on line meetings if you require.

Some of you will be taking this opportunity to prepare for upcoming projects. Many have long lead in times and consenting timeframes, and we can help you with advance work, feasibility studies, concept work and consent applications.

We can do most of this work from our offices (home I mean) and we’re fortunate to have many staff with an in depth knowledge of our local areas and site conditions who can provide quality advice to you.

Lastly, we’re all in uncharted territory and everyone’s under stress and anxious about the future. I’m encouraging our staff to stay in contact with their Clients – even if it’s mostly social and the odd bit of banter.

All the best – we’re all in this together.


Forward Planning Amid Uncertain Times


Stratum Consultants Update No.1 on Covid-19