A comprehensively designed residential development
The Project
A comprehensively designed residential development of 216 residential lots, Kaumatua housing, commercial, retirement village and reserves in Papamoa.
Our Approach
We applied for and obtained subdivision and land use consent approvals for Nga Potiki a Tamapahore Trust under the Special Housing Accord legislation. We provided resource management act planning expertise to apply for a staged residential development. We also provided geotechnical and civil engineering expertise on the design, construction, earthworks, infrastructure, stormwater retention, and erosion control for the development along with staged land title surveys.
Project Outcome/Solution
In addition to meeting commercial objectives for Nga Potiki, the development of the site was undertaken in a way that is socially, culturally and environmentally responsible and also provided substantial housing for Nga Potiki members.
Location: Ashley Place/Te Okuroa Drive, Papamoa
Client: Nga Potiki a Tamapahore Trust
Stratum Consultants Ltd Office: Tauranga and Te Puke